Professional Community

Workshops & Seminars

MSB provides training and assistance to professionals and community partners in the field of visual impairment and education. Professional workshops and seminars on a variety of topics related to vision and additional disabilities are held 2-3 times a year on and off campus. Presentations can also be requested on an individual fee for service basis.

Below is a list of topics from pre a quality education withvious workshops that can be provided upon request:

  • A Multi-Sensory Approach to Literacy
  • Assessment and Educational Program Considerations for Students with Blindness and Visual Impairment
  • Adaptive Physical Education
  • Cortical Visual Impairment
  • The Psychological Assessment of Students with Visual Impairment: Theory and Techniques
  • Paraprofessional Institute: Strategies and Tips for Increasing Student Independence in the Classroom
  • Overview of Visual Impairment and Low Vision
  • Schedule Systems
  • Educational Accommodations for Students who are Visually Impaired
  • Literacy Leading to Employment: The Expanded Core Curriculum in Early Childhood
  • Kitchen 101
  • ADL Tips and Strategies for the Home

For more information or to schedule a workshop, contact:

Check the TVI Portal Maryland – Calendar for a complete list of monthly events for vision professionals. 

CVI Live! Ask the Expert Series

Join experts in the field of educating students with visual impairments to ask your specific questions about cortical visual impairment using the Zoom video conferencing platform.

Sessions will be most months throughout the school year. Each session will be held between 3 and 4 pm eastern time. Speakers and specific topics are to be determined.

Check back for updated events throughout the year.